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license.pdf GNU Free Software licensing conditions required for Simfit and Simdem.
install.pdf Explains how to install the Simfit and Simdem packages.
Simfit Installation files for Simfit: Version 8.1.2 (64-bit)
simfit 64-bit icon
Downloads have been temporarily discontinued.
Installs the free stand-alone 64-bit Academic version.
The Program Manager x64_simfit.exe provides an option to open a simplified version for first-time users called sv_simfit.
Includes test files, documentation, and a utility to use the NAG library DLLs if you have a valid licence.
The Academic version requires no additional libraries.

simfit6.xls is a macro to generate Simfit data files from Excel spreadsheets.
Simdem Installation files for Simdem: Version 8.1.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Demonstrates how to use Simfit DLLs to write Windows programs.
simdem icon
silverfrost icon
Installs the 32-bit Simdem FTN95 default
CDECL version to use with Plato.

It also installs the 64-bit Simdem FTN95 /64
version to use with Plato.
simdem icon
nag icon
Installs 32-bit and 64-bit Simdem compiled by NAGfor
32-bit compilation used -abi=32 -compatible except for
w_clearwin which was compiled using FTN95 WITH the /f_stdcall option

64-bit compilation used -abi=64 and Silverfrost 64-bit Clearwin+.

Both versions can be used with the NAG Builder (Version 7).
gF_simdem_setup7_6_2.exe Installs 64-bit Simdem compiled by gFortran and Silverfrost Clearwin+.
PostScript Installation files for Ghostscript and GSview (32-bit or 64-bit)
ghostscript icon
Ghostscript package for PostScript and pdf users.
Highly recommended free program for professional quality graphics.
Simfit and Simdem do not need a GhostScript installation as the Dlls are provided.
They now link directly to the GhostScript dlls, gsdll32.dll or gsdll64.dll.
Visit https://artifex.com for the latest releases.
gsview icon
The GSview Windows interface for Ghostscript users.
Highly recommended free program to view/print .eps or .pdf files.
Simfit and Simdem no longer require a GSview installation.
The original version (5.0) is very robust but needs Ghostscript.
The Artifex version (6.0) is a trial version. Both are discontinued.
pscodes.pdf Explains the advantages of using Simfit PostScript graphics files
Source Open Source Codes for programmers
source.pdf Explains how to unzip then compile the Simfit and Simdem packages.
It must be read before attempting to unzip and use the source codes.
simzip8_1_2.zip Simfit package source code.
Contains all batch, link, html, and icon files.
demzip8_1_1.zip Simdem package source code.
Contains all batch, link, html, and icon files.
manzip8_1_2.zip Simfit reference manual LaTeX code.
Contains all auxiliary files and graphics files.
nagzip7_3_0 .zip Source code, icons, batch files and documentation to upgrade
Simfit for a new release of the NAG DLLs.
naglib6_9_8.zip Source code for over two hundred NAG library subroutines
called by the Academic version of the Simfit package.
Simfit home page